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Showing posts with the label humorous motivational speaker

Motivational Speakers

Imagine being a world class motivational speaker today-what would it take to be called on consistently by Fortune 500 Companies? It's fair to say that there is a great deal of cynicism and skepticism out there today, right? Most of us got exposed to a motivational speaker sometime in high school. It seems they were either fabulous or just learning, on you!! Today a world class motivational speaker has to have the perfect balance of content and humor. Audiences today will not stand still for a motivational speaker who just uses canned humor with no content that is relative to that audience! Audiences today, and meeting planners, demand that you actually know the audience and their challenges very well. Once the organization's challenges are known; what goes better than humor in helping to solve the issues and making the audience the hero's of your presentation. The best motivational speakers in the world are not only humorous but they give audiences the tools to problem solv...